Mustaine matures on new Megadeth release

Daily Staff Writer

“Cryptic Writings”


Former Metallica bassist Cliff Burton would be proud if he could see Megadeth lead singer and guitarist Dave Mustaine today.

Before Mustaine was kicked out of Metallica for his heroin addiction in the early ’80s, he helped the group craft some of its hardest and most memorable songs to date.

Metallica went drastically wrong when it turned its back on the metal scene. Megadeth does right by embracing it all, making the group’s last two CDs, “Cryptic Writings” and “Youthanasia,” are far superior to the latest offerings from Metallica (“Black Album” and “Load”).

Mustaine has grown a lot since his departure from Metallica. “Use the Man” meticulously details the evils of heroin use. It also expresses his gratitude for finally kicking the habit (“I’ve seen myself use the needle/Seen the needle in my hand”).

His songwriting talents have also progressed dramatically.

“Mastermind” recounts the day computers enslaved mankind, “Have Cool, Will Travel” grapples with the violence all too often found among children (“Mamas pack their lunches, kiddies pack their guns”).

Every song on “Cryptic Writings” is furious and frenetic. Mustaine and Marty Friedman provide powerful guitar riffs often yielding gorgeous solos.

People will complain that Mustaine’s vocals often sound cartoonish. They always have and they always will. Sometimes the lack of change in his voice is monotonous. However, the group’s banging, thrash power-kill more than makes up for it.

If nothing else, “Cryptic Writings” boldly travels to the head-banging terrain Metallica is now afraid to go.

3 1/2 stars out of five.

— Ben Jones