Damn Republicans

Carol Owens

Fifteen reasons to distrust almost all Republicans:

1) They tend to have a World War II mentality for approaching the 21st century.

2) They still tend to support a quarter trillion dollars for defense after the Cold War ended.

3) Their tax policies consistently favor multi-millionaires.

4) They tend to oppose increasing the minimum wage.

5) They supported an inexperienced quarter-billion-dollar playboy named Quayle for vice president.

6) They fail to realize 40 million Americans live below the poverty level.

7) They fail to realize 40 million Americans have no medical insurance.

8) They tend to support larger pay increases for for members of Congress.

9) They approved of White House decisions based on astrology in the 1980s.

10) They viewed Clarence Thomas as the best Supreme Court nominee.

11) Their economic policies have contributed to inflation and recession.

12) They tend to oppose passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.

13) They tended to support an alcoholic named Tower for defense secretary in the 1980s.

14) Their deregulation policies contributed to the Savings and Loan crisis.

15) They tend to support racists like Buchanan and/or wacky billionaires like Forbes.

Carol Owens

Las Vegas