Interim dean is named to head College of FCS

Amy Collins

Associate Dean Dianne Draper has been named the new interim dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Draper replaces Beverly Crabtree, who stepped down as of June 30 to return to a faculty position within the college for the 1997-98 academic year.

Draper assumed the position of interim dean on July 1. She will remain dean of the college until the university’s nationwide search for a new permanent dean comes to a successful end.

Draper said her familiarity with the College of Family and Consumer Sciences will aid her in the position.

“I feel I know the college well. I know its mission, and I feel I am in a position to bring continuity to this change,” she said.

As well as fulfilling the duties of college dean, Draper retains her positions as associate dean for research and graduate education and assistant director of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station. Draper said she’ll return to focusing fully on these duties when a permanent dean is found.

Judy Brun, professor and chairwoman of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences and Educational Studies, said Draper was most likely the more appropriate candidate for the job.

“She has a long-time knowledge of the dean’s duties,” Brun said. “She understands the dynamics and needs of the college at the present time.”

Provost John Kozak said Draper was recommended by several colleagues for the interim dean position.

“Dean Draper was the person best suited for the position until a permanent dean can be selected,” Kozak said.

Draper did not express any interest in being a candidate for the permanent dean position, Kozak said.

He said Iowa State has developed a search committee to evaluate potential candidates for the job.

“The search began last summer after Dean Crabtree informed me of her plans to step down,” Kozak said. “The committee has already invited one candidate back to campus for a second interview.”

Kozak said he hopes to complete the search for the new dean soon.

“I am at a point right now of bringing together insights and recommendations that have been made,” he said.

Crabtree had served as the dean of the college since 1987 and was ISU’s senior dean. When announcing her decision in October, Crabtree said, “Thirty years of administration and I’d like to reduce my stress and spend more time with my husband and family.”

Prior to coming to ISU, Crabtree was the dean of the College of Home Ecomics at Oklahoma State University from 1975 to 1987 and was an administrator and faculty member at the University of Missouri from 1967 to 1975.

She received her Ph.D. from ISU in 1965.