Barlow’s Folk Implosion a pleasant surprise

Daily Staff Writer

“Dare To Be Surprised”

The Folk Implosion

Lou Barlow is perhaps the most underrated songwriter in the business. As frontman for Sebadoh, his music has been an influence for everyone from Bob Mould to Seattle grungers Mudhoney.

But it wasn’t until last year’s “Kids” soundtrack outtake “Natural One” that Barlow was recognized by radio.

The Folk Implosion began as a side project for Barlow and a chance to play with friend John Davis. After the duo found success with “Natural One,” they decided to record a full-length record together. Good choice.

“Dare To Be Surprised” continues where the “Kids” soundtrack left off, with a sound as raw and talented as anything on the shelves. The duo wrote every song together, and the result is a back and forth lyric match between two totally distinct voices.

“Insinuation” is the sequel to “Natural One” and is easily the strongest track on the disc. Barlow’s bass line has you nodding your head throughout the song, while the lyrics are as catchy as anything in “Natural One.”

“Dare To Be Surprised” is proof that Barlow and Davis have potential to be the Hall and Oats of the ’90s.

4 1/2 stars

— Corey Moss