Free-speech area may be moved to better location

Cory Gruss

The campus free-speech area may soon be relocated if a proposal to move it passes the Special Student Fees Committee.

Rob Wiese, Government of the Student Body president, said the current free-speech area, located east of Carver Hall, is too far out of students’ way.

“As of right now, nobody really knows or sees the free speech area.”

This change would move the present free-speech area from the east side of Carver Hall to the west side of the Hub, Wiese said.

“Hopefully more people will want to use it,” he said.

Wiese said the free-speech area is the only place on campus where a person does not need approval from the ISU administration to speak in public. In order for students to speak openly or hold public forums in any other area, a person must first receive permission from the Dean of Students Office.

Wiese said the change would move the free-speech area to a higher profile location to allow students and others more of a public forum.

“The Hub has more people that pass it daily,” he said. “There is a wide open area with a double-wide sidewalk, so there should not be any congestion around the library and the Hub.”

The cement podium will also be moved to the new site if the proposal is passed by the committee.

The 11-member committee of six students and five administrators will meet again July 7 at 9 a.m. in Room 312 of Beardshear Hall.

“We have approval from ISU administration,” Wiese said. “The new proposed free-speech area will have to have rules such as time limits so no one can speak all day — all this will be decided on later.”

Wiese said GSB is interested in hearing what the students think about the change before a decision is made. Student, faculty and staff can send opinions on the matter by e-mail to [email protected].

“This should be big news for some students who have major issues and want them to be heard,” he said.