Wood named new interim chair of health and human performance

Daily Staff Writer

Shirley Wood will return from early retirement to serve as interim chair of the Department of Health and Human Performance. Wood chaired the department from 1990 until 1994, following terms as acting chair and interim chair beginning in 1987. She also coordinated the physical education program for many years.

Wood succeeds Dean Anderson, who has chaired the department since July 1994. Anderson announced his desire to step down from the position last November. He will remain with the department as a professor.

From 1987 to 1998, Wood was acting assistant vice president for academic affairs at Iowa State. She is best known for her participation in the University Curriculum Committee, which later became the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee. Wood served on that committee for 10 years beginning in 1980 and was chair from 1985 until 1990.

Wood will begin work on July 1. A national search for a permanent department chair is in progress.