Mixed-up Baptists

Michael T. Gardner

I would like to address the recent decision of the Southern Baptist Church to boycott Disney and all products related to the Disney corporation. The resolution passed by an overwhelming majority at this week’s Southern Baptist Convention is in response to Disney offering health benefits to homosexual and bisexual employees. A secondary issue is the increased violence and “adult themes” in recent Disney movies.

As a former Southern Baptist I am incensed by this decision. A relatively conservative church with a rather large lobby both politically and socially, any action taken by the Southern Baptist Church affects southern and American society. I believe it is reprehensible that a church with such large influence would use it to repress an important segment of our society and further increase the division between the heterosexual and homosexual communities.

Such pseudo-moralistic policy serves no one but the self- righteous and narrow- minded individuals who hold their beliefs as superior to others.

By boycotting a corporation such as Disney, the church is directly attacking a corporation which is many steps ahead of the rest of corporate America in its diversity programs. Additionally, such actions completely discount the fact that Disney movies offer children a multi-cultural tapestry from which they may learn about diversity in a fun and interesting way.

What the Southern Baptist convention is doing with their policy is increasing the unnecessary division in our culture between heterosexuals and homosexuals.

By teaching their children that homosexuality is morally wrong and open to direct and indirect attacks, the Southern Baptist Church will continue to propagate bigotry and cultural division in America. It saddens me that a church conscious of its tremendous power and influence would use its pulpit as a voice of hate.

As a heterosexual male who strongly supports the homosexual community, I can not condone the actions of the Southern Baptist Convention. I find this most recent act of bigotry and prejudice just another validation of my decision to abandon the Southern Baptist Church. I would hope that the 12,000 Southern Baptists in Iowa will recognize the resolution for what it is and think carefully before participating in this direct targeting of America’s freedom.

Michael T. Gardner

