Giving a little props to those at the Union


This alum would like to give special thanks and credit to the Iowa State Memorial Union management, staff and board of directors. I have recently retired from four years of service to this corporation as an alumni representative on the board, eventually having the honor to serve as its president. I continue to be amazed at how the MU staff has accomplished so much in such little time under such challenging conditions. They have handled each project with profesaionalism and a positive attitude in spite of continuous badering from a small select group of voices on campus.

During the years I served as Vice President and President, numerous articles surfaced in the Daily criticizing the MU staff and board. I found it interesting that in the rnidst of controversial issues surrounding the Browsing Library, a no smoking policy, student office space, vendor contracts and restructuring of the Board, not once was I contacted for information or clarification. Perhaps the Daily felt the individual who chaired all Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings where these major issues were dealt with was not a credible source of information.

In reviewng copies of articles sent to me, I was disappointed at the inaccuracy of the “facts” presented. I was especially disheartened at the rude and unjust comments directed toward the MU managing director MaryJo Mertens. Most of these unfounded criticisms surfaced in editorials and articles written by Teresa Wilson. I wholeheartedly disagree with Ms. Wllson’s accusations and implications.

I have found MaryJo Mertens to be an excellent manager and a quality individual. Wtth every decision, she exhibits great concern for her staff and both present and future MU clientele. She is a woman of integrity. I have found her to be very honest and trustworthy. She is highly respected among her peers and by her board of directors and staff. They p!ace great faith in her management abilities and for good reason. Look at the fruit on the tree. MaryJo Mertens has led this Union through major renovation projects, created new and profitable business ventures, successfully managed millions of dollars of debt and revenue and retumed the Union to its position of a digniified, revered institution one we, again, can be proud of. She has delicately balanced the historical integrity of the Union with modern improvements which meet the needs of today’s students, faculty and alumni.

She and her dedicated staff continue to search for ways to improve service to us. As an ISU alum, I am proud to have had the opportunity to return some of my time and talents to this fine institution under the leadership of MaryJo Mertens. We are most fortunate to have her as our managing director of the Iowa State Memorial Union

Sandy (Conger) Teig

ISU class of ’83

Former President

Iowa State Memonal Union