Six candidates remain for new V.P.

Cory Gruss

Six candidates remain in the search for a new vice president of student affairs at Iowa State.

Iowa State is still reviewing candidates for the vacant position. Dan Robinson, Interim vice president for student affairs, said students can expect to see a new vice president for student affairs in the fall.

“It rests with President Jischke, but with the timetable set up now, they hope to have the new vice president start at the beginning of the fall semester.”

Originally, six candidates were recommended by a 17-member search committee headed by Dr. John Kozak and President Martin Jischke. The candidates included Mark Shanley, dean of student affairs at Truman State University; Linda Kuk, vice president for student affairs at Rochester Institute of Technology; Barbara Hancock Snyder, vice chancellor for student affairs, University of Nebraska; Thomas Hill, dean of student services, University of Florida; Randy Hyman, associate vice president of student affairs, Ball State University; and Edward Wipple, vice president for student affairs, Bowling Green State University.

David Meabon, vice president for student affairs at the University of Toledo, Ohio, withdrew from consideration in late May.

“All the candidates have visited the campus so the students could get a chance to meet them in open forums,” Robinson said.

Jischke has narrowed his choices down to three or four candidates with extensive interviews and follow-ups. It is not yet known which candidates he has chosen.

The new vice president for student affairs will assume the position of one of three vice presidents on campus. “The position has a broad range of responsibilities,” Robinson said.

The position oversees many different aspects of the university. Duties include administrative services, university enrollment, admissions, financial aid, registrar, dean of students, student counseling, orientation, residence life and the Memorial Union, Robinson said.

The new vice president will take over for Thomas Thielen, who stepped down from the position last December and retired from the university after 22 years of service.