A new meaning of BoogieMonster

Daily Staff Writer

“God Sound”


When little kids won’t go to bed they are told that if they don’t the Boogiemonster will get them. At least that’s how it was in the 80’s.

Now it’s the 90’s and kids are wiser and a little bit tougher. Kids hear the word Boogiemonster and they might just start thinking about beats and verses.

On the new CD “God Sound,” the hip-hop group BoggieMonsters aren’t scaring the hell out of to many kids — but they are causing a few heads to bounce.

There are some nice sounds coming from the speakers on this joint. However they have one little thing against them — a lot of the songs sound the same.

“God Sound” sounds like Wu-Tang meets Channel Live with a little bit of the underground sound of Das EFX thrown in.

This is not to say the CD is terrible — not at all. It has a nice flavor to it, but it is clear that Boogiemonster produced the album on its own. Not a bad effort, however, a little help from some producers like DJ Premier, Pete Rock, The Rza or even Dr. Dre might have livened the effort up a bit.

One of the dopest tracks is number five, “Say Word”. It features an appearance by the sultry sounding, easy flowing, smooth voiced Bahamadia.

If you can get past the similar sounds, “God Sound” is worth giving a try.

2 1/2 stars out of five.

— Rhaason Mitchell