Singing teens accept difficult challenge

Jonquil Wegmann

They’ve risen above their troubles to bring the joy of song to audiences across the entire country.

The Teen Challenge Choir is a group of young men who have successfully left behind a rough background which consisted of drugs, alcohol and crime. The choir will join together in Ames to perform a gospel music concert on June 23.

The performance will be held in Bandshell Park on Monday night and will begin at 7:30.

The choir has performed at many highly recognized places across the United States, including on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, in front of the Washington Monument and beside the Liberty Bell in Independence Hall.

They have toured extensively around the country, stopping at numerous prisons, schools, military bases and churches to share their sound of gospel music.

Theresa Costanza, the booking agent for the choir, urges everyone to attend this show “because it is very inspiring.”

“The choir consists of men who have come from a troubled background to share how God has changed their lives,” Costanza said.

Costanza said many of the young men became involved through word of mouth, but some were court- appointed.

Teen Challenge is one of the largest non-profit rehabilitation programs in the world. The Teen Challenge program has over 100 induction centers nationwide.

The program was founded by Dave Wilkerson, a pastor in New York City, in 1964.

The choir represents over 200 students at the Teen Challenge Training Center in Rehrersburg, Penn., and thousands of young people nationwide.