City reviews airport noise complaints

Beth Myers

Water service to the Timber Creek Development was a leading topic at the Ames City Council’s Tuesday night meeting.

The city is concerned with the expansion of the residential area around the airport, which is the location of the Timber Creek Subdivision.

The main dispute lies in the city’s reluctance to have homes so close to the airport. Complaints of noise from the airport have been reported by areas much further away than the new subdivision. The 120-acre property can hold more than the eight homes currently requesting service. The city does not want to see Timber Creek expand due to the increased number of complaints because of the airport noise.

The council members denied the request to have Xenia, a rural water provider, provide water service to the subdivision.

In other news

* Permanent stop signs are in the future for vicinities of Edwards School.

The council members agreed that permanent stop signs are needed because of the irregularity of the intersection near the school.

* Council members agreed to allow Harold Newell, 705 Clark Ave., to place vinyl siding on his house which was destroyed by fire last year. Vinyl siding will be allowed on new construction if the structure was destroyed by a natural disaster.

Prior to this amendment, neighborhoods containing some of the city’s older homes were only allowed to use wood or other materials from before 1947 on home exteriors.

* A hard surface path will soon run through Stuart Smith Park thanks to the $34,111 contract with Manatt’s approved by the city council. A state grant of $150,000 is funding the project.