Should ISU ban drinking at fraternities?

Catherine Conover

Ujjaini Mitra


Chemical engineering

“I was kind of surprised actually … I don’t know how much of the student population agrees with it, or how it will affect the Greek system. I do agree with the fact that there are a lot of minors at the parties, and this should definitely cut down on underage drinking.”

Don Flugrad


Mechanical engineering

“I think it’s an interesting concept. I was in a fraternity as an undergraduate at a college in another state, and we certainly did a lot of drinking. In the long term, it’s difficult to draw the line . . . some people can handle social drinking — others go off the deep end.”

Chip Fievet


Computer engineering

“I don’t think it’s necessary. I think people who would like to be in a dry fraternity should do so. I myself am in a dry fraternity. I don’t think they should force people. I think it will hurt the fraternities overall.”

Angel Reihsen



“I don’t think it’s really their business. The problem isn’t really frats. The off-campus parties are just as bad.”

Daren Heidgerken


Aerospace engineering

“I think it’s dumb. People are going to drink somewhere, and it’s better if they drink in their own house instead of driving.”

Melissa Taylor


Elementary education

“I’d have to say I somewhat agree with it. I know most of them are underage. Sometimes the parties get out of hand.”

— Survey by Catherine Conover