MTV has new competitor in opera


A recent study shows that MTV may have a new competitor this summer, and it is not M2 or VH1. According to Donni Alley, director of art and marketing for the Des Moines Metro Opera, this new competitor is opera.

“We grew up with MTV,” Alley said, “which is why it seems strange to some people that college kids would enjoy the opera. Opera is similar and just as passionate as a music video, except it is live, without the blaring guitar.”

Alley said the National Endowment of the Arts recently did a study and found the fastest growing audience demographic is those 18- 24 years old. “The popularity of opera is growing among college-aged people,” she said.

The study showed that in past years, people went to operas to get cultured, whereas one now goes to get entertained.

So where can central Iowans be entertained? Alley said The Des Moines Metro Opera will celebrate 25 years of world-class opera this summer with performances of three famous operas — W. A. Mozart’s “Don Giovanni,” Giacomo Puccini’s “La Rondine” and Benjamin Britten’s “Albert Herring.”

Sound confusing? Alley said not to worry. “You are going to get it,” she said. All of the Des Moines Metro Operas are sung in English and 20-minute previews are given before each opera to help explain it.

“Opera is an art form that is hard to describe. You must experience it for yourself,” Alley said. “The emotions in an opera are strong, and the music transcends normal emotions. The opera is more mythical than today’s movies.”

Alley described opera as an art form that combines all of the arts. It is a multimedia sensation, she said, which is another reason for its growing popularity.

“It combines so many elements to make it happen — the lighting, singing, a full orchestra, etc.,” she said.

Alley assures that the $26-$53 price range is affordable for students. Area Target stores even offer Target Treat Seats, which give 2-for-1 discounts for weeknight shows.

The three operas take place June 20-July 13, at Blank Performing Arts Center in Indianola, Iowa. The performances begin at 7:30 p.m., except the Sunday matinees which begin at 2 p.m.

For more information, call (515) 961-6221.