Let’s get real

Scott Miller

Amidst all the posturing and press releases over the Southern Baptists’ boycott of Disney, one big question continues to be ignored. Exactly HOW does giving gay families health coverage endanger anyone else’s family?

HOW does supporting gay couples undermine other couples’ love or commitment to each other? Apparently no one has an answer.

Will Baptist couples suddenly stop loving each other because a gay couple down the block is happy together?

Will Baptist kids suddenly turn to a life of crime because gay Americans have had their picture taken with Goofy?

I think it’s wonderful for the Southern Baptists to have strong convictions.

I find it reprehensible, though, that they would seek to impose those convictions on others. Doesn’t that go squarely against everything America is supposed to stand for?

And does it bother them that the more they’ve complained and threatened and written press releases during the past year, Disney’s earnings have skyrocketed?

Scott Miller

St. Louis, Mo.