Finding ourselves

Aaron Lagrange

Why do we take the time out of our life to go to college? When I came here, I really only had one reason to be here: getting a diploma. In addition to the graduation certificate, we also go to college to find ourselves and enjoy the freedom that college offers. Although education should be the main reason we attend college, freedom and finding ourselves are legitimate reasons.

Finding ourselves is a very important thing in life. Inscribed over the temple of Delphi were the words “know thyself”. Cicero, a Roman statesman and orator who lived from 106 BC to 43 BC, once said no man could have possibly thought of such supreme wisdom, therefore it had to come from a god. Even back in those times people knew it was important to know ourselves. It is very important though, to know how to go about finding ourselves.

Finding ourselves does not mean trying anything you feel comfortable with and seeing whether you enjoy it. Not everything that gives pleasure should be practiced. Ever since humans were given the ability to reason, there have been certain actions that were considered misconduct. Look in most of ancient literature and teachings. Oh I know, it’s hard to believe anything if it is not happening right now, but this is how people used to live. People lived by a certain set of norms. Anything not within these norms was considered not characteristic of humans.

There are still norms that guide the lives of humans today, no matter how much we hide from them. All organisms have certain norms they have to follow.

For example, you would not see a cow typing a paper or a flower speaking with its own voice. Similarly, you would not see a human flying under its own power, that is simply not the way we are made. The distinguishing feature between humans and all other organisms is the human mind. This enables humans to choose their actions. With the ability to choose comes responsibility. One major responsibility is behaving in ways that do not cause harm to others or yourself. With all of this in mind we may be better able to go off and find ourselves. College is a place of freedom, but self control and responsibility must always be exercised. It seems most of us come to college looking for freedom from our parent’s authority. The main thing to keep in mind is parents don’t make rules to inhibit our freedom. Good parents are trying to look out for our safety and instill in us guidelines for when it is time to go out on our own. Good parents simply want the next generation to be free from all of the hardships that their generation and past generations have inflicted on themselves. Just keep in mind freedom can never be complete here on earth.

I know that many people find a little comfort in their life and never decide to change. However, many times in our life we are called to interrupt our comfort to find greater enjoyment in life. It is kind of like keeping $5 when some wants to give you $100. If you got nothing out of this, at least remember one thing. If you are seeking happiness, don’t look for what you can get from others, find what you can give to others. This is the main purpose of finding yourself.

Aaron LaGrange


Pre-Mechanical Engineering