Internationally known conservator on campus

Bryan Housh

Sorry, seniors. You’ll just have to graduate without taking that all-important dip. The dip in the fountain, that is. After all, one can’t rush art.

Internationally known conservator of such artworks as the Statue of Liberty, the Freedom Statue on the U.S. Capitol dome, an Egyptian tomb and the Memorial Union fountain, Linda Merk-Gould will speak about her work today.

“She’s one of the most highly recommended and noteworthy conservators,” said University Museums Education Coordinator Renee Senter. “We are fortunate to have her working on our campus artwork. Her reputation precedes her.”

Currently, Merk-Gould is restoring ISU’s Fountain of the Four Seasons at her Connecticut studio.

She will speak about her work that’s being done to the fountain as well as other ISU works and her work around the world.

Other projects at ISU include the veterinary medicine murals, the dairy industry murals, the Jack Trice statue and many other pieces of artwork around campus.

“It is so amazing,” Senter said, “the before and after comparison is so dramatic. The forces of nature are working against [the art], and she is trying to reverse that.”

Senter said Merk-Gould must go over the art inch by inch. The work is extremely tedious and time consuming, Senter said.

Merk-Gould will soon be working on all the campus art collections that are in need of care.

The presentation will begin at 7 p.m. in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union.