Successful dating means getting past the first date

Bryan Housh

Dating. It’s confusing and sometimes makes you miserable, yet everyone does it. Students come to Iowa State to further their educations, meet new people and, of course, socialize with the opposite sex.

Meeting someone new is not always as easy as it sounds, though. It takes time, effort and luck to meet someone who might be a possible boyfriend or girlfriend. But first, you have to get a date.

Getting a date is not an easy task. Ben Barnhart, a senior in exercise science said once you get over the hurdle of the first, the rest falls into place.

“Getting the first date is the toughest part,” he said. “But once you are past that, it gets easier.”

Either new to ISU, fresh off a relationship or just hanging with a new crowd, the first date is always just around the corner. “The worst that can happen is that she spits in your face, kicks you in the groin and then says no,” Barnhart said. Besides the humiliation, what do you have to worry about? Just ask.

“I wish guys wouldn’t worry so much about if girls might say no or not,” Jaclyn Stroo, a sophomore in zoology said. “You never know unless you ask.”

Choosing the right person to ask on a date is important. You could meet your potential date at a party, in your dorm or in class.

“It is better if you meet someone at a party because he or she is probably relaxed and is being his or herself,” John Meeker, a sophomore in industrial technology said. “You know that he or she likes to have fun and will be fun to be around.”

Meeting someone in class has its advantages also. “Meeting people in class is good because both parties are on the same level in a classroom setting,” Stroo said.

OK, the hard part is over … sort of. You have a date, but now you have to go out on the actual date. Where should you go? What is there to do in Ames with a significant other? There is always the standard dinner and a movie, but that gets old.

“Reiman Gardens is my favorite place to go with a guy,” Stroo said. “When it is nice out it is so beautiful and romantic.”

Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you have some kind of plans before you call your potential sweetheart.

“I hate it when guys don’t have any plans and ask me what I want to do,” Angie Nolan, a sophomore in preprofessional health programs said. “It always ends up in a 10-minute conversation on what to do.”

Finally, you had your date and are walking him or her to the door. If it went well, you are naturally thinking: “Should I kiss her?” “Should I kiss him?” “How do I ask her out again?” “I hope he asks me out again.” Whether you decide to kiss on the first date or wait until later, remember, be patient and give him or her something to anticipate.

All of you men and women out there wandering the night, be careful. Mr. or Mrs. Right could be lurking behind the nearest keg, computer or cubicle. Dating might come easy for some and might take some practice for others. But remember, it is fun, and every date possibly could lead to something special in the future.