To call one ‘racist’

I know this may never get published — the truth always bites— but as a response to your editorial “To call one ‘Dr.'” of Apr. 8, let us assume that your action was not racist, even though you and I know it was. But let us assume for the moment that it was not. In that case, the Iowa State Daily’s choice of AP Style, a system that insults academic doctors including the president of the university, seems to me the worst choice for a newspaper based in a university where academics reign.

Now, I can understand the reason every academic is addressed as a professor. A Ph.D who is an assistant professor would never be addressed properly by your paper and its kind. The “professor” protects them from your AP Style, and gives them their due respect. We freelance academic doctors can then be whipped about by your AP Style and its kind. By the way, who made that choice?

Chii Ughanze-Onyeagocha

Ames resident