Something needs to be done

Editorial Board

We all know that a committee is evaluating the Veishea 1997 celebration. We all know there is a chance, albeit a slim one, that Veishea could be eliminated after its 75 years at Iowa State. It’s wise for a committee to look into any problems Veishea carries with it. It’s also wise for the committee to consider all recommendations to keep the celebration.

If the university and the advisory committee are looking to make Veishea safer, there is no question that the issue of alcohol must be addressed. Steps need to be taken to weaken the tie between alcohol and the yearly celebration.

Alcohol and the Veishea celebration are pretty synonymous. Although Veishea organizers don’t create alcohol-related events, many students and their out-of-town visitors look at Veishea as a time to down the brew. That might be fun, but it also is a breeding ground for problems.

The committee ought to look into eliminating alcohol in the residence halls and greek system at ISU. Granted, the university may have the power to do this, but it would be much better if the greek houses and residence halls took on the responsibility to eliminate alcohol themselves. Eliminating greek and residence hall alcohol consumption for the weekend could have a major impact.

The university doesn’t have much say when it comes to off-campus residents. Perhaps the only means by which off-campus drinkers can be curbed are police busting parties and restrictions in renters’ leases. The advisory committee ought to consider these recommendations and others to deal with alcohol abuse during Veishea.

One thing is for certain: Something needs to be done.