When will the games and lies stop?

Diane Duncan

I am writing in response to your Apr. 23 article about residence hall custodians wearing black armbands. Though I am not wearing an armband, I feel that I must disagree with some of the content of this article.

Firstly, I am finding it very hard to find any residents with which to have a conflict. Never has a resident told me I am working too early on the floor. Recently I have talked to many residents, including RAs, about this very topic. Not one complaint.

Secondly, when I came to this department some eighteen years ago, one of the first things I was told was: Do not vacuum the halls before 9 a.m. If you must vacuum the den before 9 a.m., make sure the den door is closed. If any custodian is vacuuming halls before 9 a.m, the immediate supervisor needs to take it up with the custodian. Personally, I don’t think it is happening at all.

Next, beginning with this semester, Mr. Alexander ordered the bathrooms to be cleaned at scheduled times, starting no earlier than 9:15 a.m. I find it very unlikely that any custodian is cleaning bathrooms at 7:30 in the morning.

Now about the assignment changes. We have been told that this will be much more efficient than the current assignments. Funny thing — in 1981, when we changed from assignments that were similar to the proposed changes, to our current assignments, we were told the current assignments were much more efficient.

And if, like we’re being told, the residents are asking for these changes, why has every member of one house in Maple Hall signed a petition to leave their custodian’s assignment alone? And why have numerous residents of Larch Hall e-mailed Mr. Alexander to tell him to leave their custodians alone? And why have multiple houses at the Towers offered to sign petitions saying the same thing?

I’m really tired of the games and the lies. When will they stop?

Diane Duncan

Custodian I

Towers Residence Association