To know the truth

Jeff Zweerink

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” — Jesus Christ

These words adorn our library here at ISU. They are a reminder that there is indeed truth, and once it is found, it is liberating. This past week, two of the writers for the Daily editorial page have unleashed a bold attack on the truth. First, Ms. Wilson insinuates those who believe Jesus actually died and rose from the dead are as crazy as those who believe aliens are following comet Hale-Bopp. Mr. Ruminski states a similar sentiment. He asks “The Bible or Star Trek? Given the context, who wants to step forward and to pretend to own the truth?” The implication is that either is an equally valid source of truth.

In response to both I will step forward and proclaim the truth. I do so not in an attitude of arrogance because it is by no merit of my own that I know the truth. I do so not for personal gain because this column will benefit me nothing. I do so for the benefit of others, out of concern for their eternal well-being.

I must admit that my first response to these articles was anger. How can somebody write such blasphemous statements? As I considered the words that were written, I was reminded of the statement Jesus made as He was dying on the cross. “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” Jesus was not filled with rage or anger but with love and compassion — even for those who were unjustly executing Him. That is more and more my attitude as I write this letter.

God has revealed the truth to me, and anyone else who cares to listen, in His Bible. It does not take great intellect or great ability to understand the truth. All it requires is humility to realize that there is an authority to which we are all accountable. I find this refreshing because God’s truth is available to all, no matter what their status in this earthly life. I sincerely hope that Ms. Wilson and Mr. Ruminski come to understand this truth soon. While Ms. Wilson flippantly talks about going to hell, I could not wish that on my worst enemy.

The truth that I wish to proclaim is that Jesus Christ was God Himself. He willingly chose to become a man and dwell on Earth. He lived a sinless life, yet He was crucified as a heinous criminal. The most astounding thing is that, on the third day, He rose from the grave. Take this last point away, and all of Christianity is a bunch of hogwash. Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead is what validates His claim of deity. Even the apostle Paul makes the statement that if Jesus did not rise from the dead, “we are of all men most to be pitied.”

Throughout the centuries many have tried to disprove the resurrection, but none has succeeded. Ms. Wilson’s reasoning is essentially “How likely does someone rising from the dead sound?” Mr. Ruminski basically says that Jesus was just another man, so He could not have risen from the dead. The fact is that we have written historical record of hundreds of witnesses who saw Jesus after His resurrection. These were the same people who saw Him die on the cross. The Romans and Jews living in the first century were not able to disprove the resurrection and those today have not fared any better.

Because Jesus rose from the dead, His words are indeed the truth. They are the truth that will set all people free.

Jeff Zweerink

Graduate Student

Physics and Astronomy