Security supervisor honored as Student Employee of the Year

Amanda Fier

Nathan Battan, student security supervisor and senior in computer engineering and management information systems, has been named the Student Employee of the Year for his outstanding service to the university.

“Being the supervisor of this security program is the thing I have the most pride in while I have been at Iowa State,” Battan said.

He won the award for his service to the Union Drive Association and the Department of Residence.

Battan has been employed by the security program since 1992. He became the assistant supervisor in December 1993 and was promoted to supervisor in May 1994.

Battan said the best part of winning the award was receiving a copy of the letter his co-workers wrote about him. He said he was surprised to receive the nomination and found the letter and the award “flattering.”

The recommendation letters written about Battan described him as a person who, both at work and beyond, demonstrates qualities of reliability, professionalism, initiative and uniqueness.

The letter was signed by 11 of Battan’s co-workers who said he was “a person who is committed to doing the best job he can in any given situation, while at the same time helping those around him fulfill their potential.”

The staff members said Battan not only did his job well, but he went above and beyond the call of duty by working to improve the status quo that included restructuring the security officer selection process.

They also said he successfully balanced his job while excelling in academics and being involved with campus activities that support diversity and awareness.

In conclusion, the letter read, “One would be hard-pressed to find anyone who embodies the philosophy of Iowa State University more fully than Nathan P. Battan: security supervisor, student, friend.”

Battan had many positive comments to share about the staff he worked with over the years. He said working with the security program was so pleasant that it was not difficult to expend the effort while at work.

“I couldn’t have worked with better people,” he said.

In addition, he said this is the best staff to work with on campus and the people are “incredible.”

Kendra Larson, sophomore in animal science who works under Battan in student security, said, “He is an excellent student supervisor. He is very professional and he has great concern for the program.”

Battan, who is graduating in May, said he “couldn’t leave on a better note.”