Make sure this never happens again

Nick Van Every

Early Sunday morning, a 19-year-old kid was knifed down during our Beloved Veishea. I feel I need to comment on this because that could have very well been a friend of mine or yours. I have a real problem with this death, and I don’t understand why the victim was violently denied his innocence of youth. I feel for the family and friends of the victim. I can’t even begin to think of the pain of having your worst nightmare come true. When this 19-year-old lost his life, so did a part of Veishea.

I don’t agree when it’s said that this isn’t Veishea-related. Did the attacker come up for the weekend just to kill this boy? No. He came to participate in Veishea. I’m appalled that he is still out running free. Given all the police and all the people in the area, it makes me wonder how this could have even happened. But more police won’t make Veishea safer. Only we can make it safer.

We must look out for one another. That is the only way to make it safe. We will not tolerate violence in our community. For those who scream “LET’S RIOT” every year, please get the hell off this campus. You are not needed. For those of you that feel it is necessary to carry weapons to huge public events, do us all a favor and use it on yourself first. Why should I have to fear a knife-yielding maniac during a time of celebration? Let us unite and make sure this never, never happens again!! Veishea is a time to show off OUR campus, and I’m not willing to share it with people who decide that the only way to solve problems is through acts of violence.

Please, violent assholes, get off my campus, get out of my town, and stay out of my life. Isn’t that what we all should be saying. Finding the suspect will be the first step in uniting us against violence. If you have any information, please give it up so we can all feel safer. If the MURDERER is your best friend, well, what kind of friend is he unless you support MURDER!! Finding him will be the first step in uniting our campus, our community and all of our empty thoughts. Yes I’m angry, and all of you should be too. Remember, just look out for one another.

Nick Van Every

