Proving a country’s innocence

Ryan Bergman

In the “Fact is fact” letter to the editor on April 1, Huazhong Xi claims that Bliss Newton’s article on Tibet is full of lies. Well if you want to call Bliss a liar then you must also call the U.S. State Department, the U.N. delegation on human rights, Amnesty International, China Watch, Asia Watch and many other human rights groups and countries liars because that’s where the information came from.

If China is innocent, then why doesn’t it prove it! Why are human rights delegations banned from Tibet, and when one was allowed in (the United Nations) they were showboated around like tourists to “approved” areas? Don’t cry liar and then not only not have any proof to the contrary but refuse to let people examine the problem! That only shows your guilt.

I have stacks of reports from independent groups condemning human rights in Tibet, and yet I have never read one saying that things are just peachy.

So I challenge China, let the human rights groups in, show us that you have nothing to hide, let the Tibetans tell the world that they are happy being part of China. Facts are facts, as Mr. Xi said, unfortunately China has none.

Ryan Bergman

ISU Students For A Free Tibet

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