Let us talk about a lot of somethings

Cade Remsburg

My second-to-last column for the Daily and I have no definite topic to discuss. Now I see why Rory’s column turned out the way it did. Well, for the second time ever and the first time this semester, I’ll go with a lot of somethings.

Did you see that turnaround move NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon pulled off last Sunday? I swear he pulled it straight out of Days of Thunder. Gordon has won four out of eight events this year, and is still criticized for bumping other drivers too much (and people accuse me of whining about the Packers).

Tuesday, Iowa State quarterback Todd Doxzon signed a free-agent contract with the New York Jets. The last position he will play will be quarterback for the Jets.

The Chicago Bulls don’t look too good.

They have Rodman back (groan), and more than one Bulls fan can’t stand the prospect of playing the Bullets in the first round. My biased opinion picks the Bullets to win in five.

Hideki Irabu finally got his wish to be traded to the Yankees, and I couldn’t be happier.

In case you forgot, Irabu is the Japanese pitcher who was claimed by the Padres in a trade last winter.

Well, when Irabu was close to signing a contract, he found out that Steinbrenner said he was willing to give him much more money than the Padres offered, and he was being ripped off.

Suddenly, Irabu was a big Yankees fan, had been since he was a kid, his loyalty was so unquestionable that there was no way he could play for an American team other than the Yankees.

The Padres had to make a deal, just to get some compensation for the greatest Yankees fan ever.

I certainly could not be happier that the Steinbrenner and Irabu finally got together. It truly is a touching scene. It reminds me of the story of Romeo and Juliet, how everyone scorns on their love for each other.

It will be very touching indeed to see them together getting trounced by the Orioles.

Every year, a listing of the most underrated players in baseball is released, and last year Bernie Williams got the award.

Williams goes without saying, but wouldn’t an unmentioned Geronimo Berroa be truly the most underrated?

He and McGwire are the only reasons the A’s are respectable, and yet I can’t get anyone else to say he’s good.

Troy Davis goes to the New Orleans Saints and the New England Patriots took Sedrick Shaw right before Davis.

Guess who couldn’t be happier? My guess is the guy who’ll be playing Sundays next fall – Troy Davis.

The hockey playoffs are on, and it looks like the Devils and Flyers can’t wait to face each other. The two teams are really making slurpees out of the Canadians and Penguins.

The Avalanche are having difficulties with the Blackhawks, but they should make it to the finals with ease.

In the aftermath of the spitting incident, Roberto Alomar sought out umpire John Hirschbeck Tuesday night and made amends, so get off Alomar’s case and find a new whipping boy.

CADEREMSBURG is a senior in journalism and mass communication from Ames.