Listen to your customers

With Wednesday’s Daily, (Apr. 23), Department of Residence Director Randy Alexander draws fire once again. From every indication I’ve seen, he deserves it.

Since he became director, Mr. Alexander has managed to irk quite a few students, and now, even his own staff. What Mr. Alexander fails to realize is the old phrase, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Our current storage methods have been in place and working just fine for years. The custodial staff does a wonderful job, and all seem to have enjoyed their responsibilities a lot more before Mr. Alexander’s changes. Floors that are being forced into having their hallways painted white take pride in their unique walls.

To be fair, Mr. Alexander did get soap dispensers installed in the dorm restrooms, but frankly, from a resident’s viewpoint, that’s about the only good thing he’s done. Thanks to his “changes,” many longtime dorm residents are moving off campus, with more to follow. Mr. Alexander forgets that his responsibility is to the students who live in the dorms. He seems intent on destroying whatever students like about the residence halls, and somehow, I don’t think that’s what his position is about.

The students in the dorms are your customers, Mr. Alexander. Listen to what your customers are telling you.

Asten Rathbun


Computer Engineering

Andrew Fuerstenburger


Political Science