Light sarcasm

John Cox

It really is not hard to believe that GSB cut the funding for the Daily, Drummer, and ethos Magazine. To understand where the senators are coming from, just look under the nearest slimy rock in Lake LaVerne. I guess some things on campus just don’t change.

Although it is not the intention, I presume, for the GSB to quiet these publications, it is their intention to make room in the budget for better things. Like t-shirts for small student groups, their own GSB retreats, to make their own offices more plush, and to feed their over-sized ego.

If there was any sense of duty in the GSB or from the president or vice-president, these funding bills would have failed. Maybe it is time for someone to give the GSB a reality check.

But remember, even though I am preaching that the GSB funding is wrong, it is the student body who elected them. If you don’t like it, more people should have voted for different senators.

John Cox

Class of 1995

Espoo, Finland