By way of a disclaimer

J.T. Nuckolls

There’s an interesting phenomenon occurring right before our very eyes. All year, we, the avid readers of the Daily, have been subjected to an ever-growing hostility in several of the columns printed within your pages. This has been directed at those of us who profess Christian beliefs. Unfortunately, it has raised, in several of us, naturally defensive feelings, which have been made evident in written rebuttals. These too have been made light-of, and not taken as the valid, intelligent discourses many of them are.

The Daily obviously advocates such hostilities toward Christians, if by nothing more than by lack of disclaimer. Come to think of it, I haven’t read a disclaimer by the Daily stating that the opinions expressed by any submitting person(s) are not necessarily those of the Daily, its editor, or the remainder of its staff. There most certainly wasn’t one in the OP-ED of the Apr. 10 edition. Well now, what an excellent forum for paper-sanctioned propaganda is this? The staff of the Daily shouldn’t assume anything. Especially when it comes to peoples’ perceptions of the Daily, such as those implied therein, not to mention those made without.

Surely, the Daily would not enter into such a practice if it involved, say, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, et al. Why? It is called defamation, however directly or subtly it is promoted. But, Christians are open game. That is fair, I suppose, given that it is a fundamental part of our belief that those around us (those of secular religions and those who profess no religion) will hate us, slander us and otherwise verbally abuse us. By no means does that mean we enjoy these abuses. Interesting.

One example of someone who promulgates this is Brian Johnson. He obviously does this with the Daily’s sanction. I’d venture that individuals like Brian Johnson wouldn’t have much of anything to write about if it weren’t for such “commonly-sensible” people, like Christians (see Losing sight of the real message — Hear our laughter). Wow! Perhaps he wouldn’t have to write about his sexualized life, either! No, that isn’t right. He would continue writing about that thing, regardless. You see, Mr. Johnson, it sounds to me, and others with whom I’ve spoken, that you are crying out for some sort of help, whether it be spiritual, or mental (Maybe, it’s simply attention you crave.)

So, you can go-on pretending you don’t care about what it is that people are responding to you. (Remember, you asked us to continue responding in your last column.) You can go-on impressing yourself with your sexual exploits, (whatever they may, or may not, be). And, you can go on believing you know the rest of us so well that you can “… map the dimensions of [our] sex lives …” (Not that any of us would want, or need, you as our personal cartographer in that area, mind you.) Indeed, Brian, we do hear you laughing at us. But, you see, the more you laugh at us, Mr. Johnson, the more we hope for you. Who really needs to “grow-up,” Brian?

J.T. Nuckolls



Editor’s Note:

The First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.