Ohio State prof to give Voorhees lecture today

Amanda Fier

Distinguished Professor Emeritus from Ohio State University Bernard J. La Londe will give the fifth annual R. Dale Voorhees Distinguished Lecture and Spring 1997 Miller Lecture.

La Londe, a nationally and internationally known expert in transportation and logistics, will speak to the Iowa State community about logistics for the next century and supply chain management today and Friday.

Richard Poist, professor of transportation and logistics, said La Londe is one of the most well-known professors in the field.

“He is one of the pioneers in getting transportation and logistics started in terms of a college major and academic discipline,” Poist said.

The Voorhees Lecture will take place today from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Room 250 of the Scheman Continuing Education Building. A reception will take place following La Londe’s lecture titled “Logistics or Supply Chain Management? — Visions for the 21st Century.”

The Miller Lecture will take place April 25 from 2:15 until 3:30 p.m. in Room 205 of Carver Hall.

“Supply Chain Management: Some Research Propositions for the 21st Century” is the name of La Londe’s second and final lecture.

La Londe went to Ohio State in 1969 and stayed there until his retirement in 1995. The last 12 years as a faculty member, he held the position of the Raymond E. Mason Professorship in Transportation and Logistics.

He is known for his vast knowledge about the total flow of goods and data from the supplier to customer, a concept termed supply chain management and logistics.

The Miller Lecture is funded by the F. Wendell Miller estate, which is divided equally between ISU and the University of Iowa. The estate totaled $27 million.

The Voorhees Lecture series was established in 1991 to honor ISU Professor Emeritus R. Dale Voorhees, formerly of the College of Business. He instructed classes in transportation and logistics and conducted research.

Poist said the Voorhees program was set up in 1991 and the first lecture took place in spring 1992.

He said they have had speakers from the railroad industry, the motor carrier industry, a shipper and a speaker from the press.

He said they try to get a “different focus each year.” Poist said this lecture is designed for anyone who has an interest in the field of transportation and logistics.