Awards ceremony to be held tomorrow

Daily Staff Writer

The annual Spring Convocation and Awards Ceremony will take place Wednesday.

Faculty and staff members will be honored for outstanding service to the university.

The ceremony is open to the university community.

It will begin at 3:15 p.m. in the Memorial Union Sun Room.

President Martin Jischke will open the convocation with a review of the year, giving his impression of what things happened this year that were good and what things were not so good, said Charles Dobbs, executive assistant to the president.

The awards ceremony will follow the convocation. Provost John Kozak will present awards to faculty and staff and read brief descriptions of their work.

Awards will be given for excellence in research, teaching, outreach and student advising.

Staff excellence awards and Regents’ staff and faculty awards will be presented.

The Iowa State Woodwind Quintet and student pianist Justin Akers will perform at the ceremony.

A reception will follow the presentation and refreshments will be served.

Dobbs said recipients of awards will also have their pictures taken “to show Mom.”