Weather gods may shine on Veishea

Abby Zirkle

For all the Veishea-goers out there, it looks like Mother Nature is going to be smiling on the Ames area this weekend.

Brad Edwards, chief meteorologist for WOI-TV in Des Moines, said he expects Friday to be warm and windy with a high in the low 70s. Morning temperatures will be in the lower 40s and slowly work their way up to the expected high.

Saturday looks to be a little cooler, but nothing drastic. A few clouds will start to move into the area, and there is a slight chance of a few sprinkles here and there.

Still, there’s nothing to worry about weather-wise, Edwards said.

“I don’t think it will be a problem at all.”

As Veishea draws to a close on Sunday, the high will be in the 50s, Edwards said.

By all accounts, it looks as though the weather is deciding it can indeed be nice in the wake of an unexpected spring snowfall last weekend.

Nathan Schrumm, Veishea co-chair for Roc da Rec, said if by chance it does happen to rain on Veishea’s parade, or any other activity for that matter, officials will try to keep most of the events open on Welch Avenue.

“The vendors will still run. We will have the performers for Taste of Veishea try to perform. There will be several activities and events that will be held inside anyway, but if it rains it will probably bring more people inside to events such as Roc da Rec. On Sunday we will have the breakfast under a tent so that will not be affected at all,” Schrumm said.

That’s good news for those students who remember last year’s crumby Veishea weather.

“The weather last year was really cold and rainy. I think it might have put a slight damper on people’s spirits. The year before we wore shorts and I got sunburnt,” said Stacey Clark, a junior in elementary education.

“That’s the kind of weather we need to have this year. The weather won’t affect me very much at all because Veishea is supposed to be a tradition of celebration and I intend on keeping that tradition alive.”

Schrumm said weather has a slight effect on attendance.

“Students may be affected by the weather a little bit if in fact it is cold and rainy like last year, but not very much at all,” he said.