Formal rebuttal

Jeff Wixon

I would like to formally proffer a rebuttal apropos of the newspaper article concerning “Tape Shows Pratt in Cell” (Apr. 16).

It is noteworthy that Ms. McNiel’s subjective reprinting of the “jail cell dialogue” between Pratt and the Ames Police epitomizes itself as nothing more than an effigial attempt to construct news out of encroached material — something that, with regard to the public domain, is none of our business.

Conventional integrity would normally delineate a reasonable boundary between “reporting the news” and using the Daily as an entertainment vehicle by which to publish graphically intimate, stultifying details about the events that go on in one’s personal life — facts which might be more appropriately suited for the “Ricki Lake Show” or “the National Enquirer.” Bad enough having some drop-out cameraman stick his video lens up your nose; more embarrassing to have a local university newspaper compromise its credibility in attempt to “shock the readers”: something that I felt was very, very low class.

For whatever purpose printing of the video transcripts served, one can only be optimistic that in the future, the Daily will try to exercise a little better discernment and respect the private lives of those individuals who attend and/or represent all of us corporately in the Iowa State University community.

Jeff Wixon


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