Poor diplomacy

Editorial Board

Shabnam Seddigh’s graduation from Iowa State is nearing and she is helpless. A senior in liberal studies, the student, who was born in Iran, has tried everything in her power to get her father, Iowa State alum Mahmoud Seddigh, from Iran to her May 10 graduation.

The elder Seddigh was denied a visa because of a 1995 executive order issued by President Clinton to impose sanctions on Iran.

Shabnam has tried contacting state officials and the American Embassy in London, but to no avail.

It is an unfortunate position for both Seddighs to be in right now. More so, it is doubtful if ISU President Martin Jischke or a state official will have any influence on getting Seddigh to Iowa.

U.S. officials have acted against nations before. However, much too often these actions affect the wrong people. Shabnam said Clinton placed the sanction because the United States. is being “careful not to admit terrorists.”

If this is the case, then the U.S. is doing a poor job of screening terrorists, especially if international embassies are not communicating to national citizens. Unfortunately, government actions don’t always reflect the attitudes of its citizens.

How would Clinton feel if he could not attend his daughter Chelsea’s upcoming graduation?

The same way, we hope, Mahmoud Seddigh will feel, knowing he probably will not get to see his daughter graduate from his alma mater nearly halfway across the globe if some action isn’t taken.