Poetry to be featured in Word Up! showcase

Bryan Housh

The final meeting of the Word Up! reading series will take place Friday as an all-poetry night.

Word Up! is an ongoing reading series sponsored by the ISU Department of English, the ISU Creative Writing Program and the Creative Writing Club. The primary goal of Word Up! is to showcase the finest work of students, faculty, regional writers and performers.

Julie Comine, a graduate student in English, said turnout has been good. Usually about 25-50 people attend.

Word Up! serves two “wonderful purposes” Comine said. “First, it gives people on campus a chance to hear the creative work of writers,” she explained. “Secondly, it gives writers a chance to stand up at a microphone and share their work with an audience.”

Gary Eller, temporary English instructor, said the program also gives students a taste of the spotlight.

“Poets and writers do not get much chance for recognition,” he said. “[Word Up!] represents an opportunity for students who have not yet published anything to face an audience and read their own writing.”

Hearing one’s own writing aloud can be a tremendous help for a writer, Eller added.

Frequently there is an open-mic segment, at which time students can approach the microphone to read their original work to an audience.

Friday will be “focused on poetry,” Comine said. Two graduate students in the creative writing program, Laura Carrillo and Jim Francis, will read excerpts from their theses. After their readings, there will be a special poetry-only open mic.

Comine said having a particular theme, such as poetry-only, is helpful because it “gives readings a special significance and focus.” The night will also celebrate National Poetry Month.

“I really believe in the program,” Eller said.

The Word Up! finale begins at 7 p.m. in the Gallery of the Memorial Union. The sign-up for the open mic begins at 6:30 p.m.