Gone to see the governor

Denise Smith

Being a member of the Political Science Club has its advantages, especially when members get the chance to talk with Governor Branstad.

On March 19, the club met with Branstad for about 20 minutes at the State Capitol in Des Moines.

Montgomery Van Wart, adviser for the Political Science Club, said Branstad spoke about creating a dynamic quality that would excite younger people about Iowa’s future.

The group also met with Senator Johnie Hammond, D-Ames, who discussed the legislative process.

Melissa Mundt, vice president of the Political Science Club, said the club traveled to the capitol because “some of the students are interested in internships there.” The group later had a chance to talk to a variety of students serving as interns or clerks for members of the legislature or for the governor, she said.

“There were more interns that came to talk with us than expected. They were all interested in sharing their opportunity of working in legislature,” Van Wart said.

The Political Science Club recently sponsored lectures by political scientist Theodore Lowi. About 550 people attended the lectures.

“It was a good chance for the members of the club to see what kind of job a person can receive in political science,” said Jennifer Perkins, a graduate student and president of the Political Science Club.

“Lowi is one of the top five political scientists in the country and the members really promoted the event,” Van Wart said.

There are now 15 members in the club with four executive members. Mundt said, “Anybody can join. Political science affects a lot of different fields.”

Members in the club have majors that range from community and regional planning to engineering, she said.

Perkins said the club helps students get in touch with campus communication and broadens their horizons. “It gives students a connection with what their studying,” she said.

The club is already thinking about next fall and wants to plan a trip to the Drake Law School for one of their activities, Mundt said.

“It’s going to be up to the new members what their goals are going to be, but they have already said they want to become more visible on campus,” Perkins said. The club also wants to do more events with other groups on campus, she said.

Van Wart said he sees the club and department providing another major speaker and working on continuing to bring debates and discussions.

The Political Science Club’s next meeting is tonight at 6 p.m. in Room 29 of Ross Hall. Elections for president, vice president, treasurer and LAS council representative positions will take place. Everyone is invited to attend.