Calling one a degenerate

Scott Miller

The upcoming Apr. 30 episode of TV’s “Ellen” has made one thing abundantly clear. Jerry Falwell has finally, once and for all, demonstrated what a ridiculous fraud he is, calling the TV star “Ellen DeGenerate.” No more do we have to accept the sham of the religious extremists’ “hate the sin, love the sinner” rhetoric. Now we know the truth.

The Apr. 30 episode of “Ellen,” in which the leading character will acknowledge being gay, will not feature any sexual activity whatsoever. She’ll just realize she’s gay. Yet, Falwell calls her a degenerate. That sounds to me like “hate the sin, CONDEMN the sinner.” And there’s not a single Bible verse that condemns people for being gay or living in monogamous, loving gay relationships. It only condemns the same sex acts it condemns for straight people: prostitution, rape and pagan rituals.

So I guess that means Jerry and his comrades in condemnation hate what isn’t necessarily a sin and yet still condemn the person who may not actually be sinning.

Scott Miller

St. Louis, MO