How are you spending Veishea weekend?

Stephanie Murphy

Kent Andersen



“Working the Criminal Justice Club booth and then I gotta go out of town for a wedding. I’ll probably play some of the games in campustown and visit some of the booths.”

Joel Felix with his sons Felix and Oliver Lugeiyamu

Graduate student


“We are celebrating Veishea by manning the USAC booth and eating and drinking punch.”

Bhagya Wickrama



“Having fun with all the activities. I’m working at the Sri Lanka booth at the Cultural Fest. I’ve been here a while, so I’ve seen the parade and that’s always fun.”

Tom Eilers


Chemical engineering

“Catching up with friends and alumni and people that go to different colleges and meeting up with old friends and having fun. I’ll probably go over to Welch and check out the Taste of Veishea bands and parties and stuff … and the parade.”

Sara Heideman


Interior design and Army ROTC

“Hanging out on Welch. I was in the parade … and I’m not drinking.”

Marilou Welp with her husband David Welp and Marjorie Welp

1962 graduate

Electrical engineering

“We’re just visiting the campus. We’re from Dallas, Texas. My husband was at an engineering board meeting on Friday so we decided to stay for Veishea. We’re going to try all the food and watch people all day.”