GSS shows support for Palestinian students

Luke Dekoster

The Graduate Student Senate passed a resolution in support of Palestinian students from the Gaza region of Israel who are not being allowed to study in the West Bank.

Senator Stephen Gasteyer, who introduced the resolution, said the current situation is comparable to “someone who lives in Minneapolis not being allowed to come to Iowa State because they don’t have the correct permits.”

After an objection that the bill would have no real effect, Gasteyer proposed an amendment, which was also approved, that states the Israeli consulate in Chicago would be informed of the Senate’s opinion on the matter.

GSS opened its nomination process Monday night to fill executive council positions for the 1997-98 school year.

Senators nominated were: Mike Poray and Anne McSorley for vice president; Kari Henry, secretary; Nicholas Lewin, parliamentarian; John Gavrosek, communications chair; Amy Hendrickson, professional advancement; and Julienne Hill, legislative affairs chair.

Senate nominations will also be taken at next month’s meeting, with elections after the nominations.

The Senate approved two financial bills Monday, the spring allocations for graduate/professional student organizations and the GSS budget for the 1997-98 fiscal year.

Both measures passed unanimously, but the 1997-98 budget must be voted on twice, so it will come up for final approval at the April GSS meeting.

President Kevin Ragland also told the Senate of Monday’s decision by the special student fees committee to give only 75 cents of a previous $2.50-per-student commitment to the athletic department.

He said the money, which was part of a $4.66-per-student increase in fees, was reallocated to provide extra support to Recreation Services.