SAA president arrested

Daily Staff Writer

The president of the Iowa State Student Alumni Association was arrested early Sunday morning for drunken driving.

Chad Mitchell, a junior in finance and president of SAA, was arrested by Department of Public Safety officers after failing sobriety tests.

According to DPS reports, Mitchell was stopped as his car was traveling westbound on Pammel Drive at about 2:20 a.m. Mitchell’s car was stopped in the middle of Pammel Drive where he then backed up and pulled into Lot 23, between Davidson Hall and the Armory.

After failing the field sobriety tests that were administered, Mitchell was taken into custody, police said. He was then administered an Intoxilyzer test, an alcohol breath test, which showed his blood-alcohol concentration to be 0.13. In the state of Iowa, a person with a 0.10 blood-alcohol level is considered drunk.

Mitchell said he could not comment on advice of his attorney. He said no preliminary hearing has been set.