Lock-up provides fun for jailbirds, funds for MDA

Luke Dekoster

Some of Ames’ most “notorious” citizens spent some time behind bars to help raise more than $26,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

On April 9 and 10, Ames residents “posted bail” for friends and family who volunteered for the lock-up, which was held at the Ames downtown Brenton Bank.

The top fund-raiser of the event was The Rev. Everett Hemann of St. Thomas Aquinas Church, who raised more than $1,200.

Hemann said he was able to raise that much money because he had time to ask people for pledges before the event.

“Since I’m a public figure and I know a lot of people, $5 or $10 per person added up fast,” he said.

Hemann said by the time the lock-up started, he had raised about $700.

During the hour he spent in jail, Hemann said he called his parishioners to ask for donations.

“It was kind of embarrassing, because I had to tell them I was in jail and I needed to post bail,” Hemann said.

He said the people he talked to were surprised at first by his predicament, but when he told them the reason he was imprisoned, “there was either laughter or a gasping sigh of relief.”

Tom Wierson, personnel and operations manager at Gary Thompson Oil in Ames raised more than $500 for MDA. He aid he raised about half of his total through advance calls. “I figured that would be easier for [the donors] and me,” he said.

Wierson said most of the people he contacted were willing to donate. “Most of the people that didn’t contribute were ones that had been hit up already. There were quite a few that had contributed to one, two and even three [fund-raisers],” he said.

Proceeds from the lock-up will help support 550 Central Iowa families who are affected by neuromuscular diseases. MDA provides clinical services, wheelchairs, summer camps and support groups at no cost to victims and their families.

Last year, MDA also gave a $43,730 grant to fund research at Iowa State.

“The Ames event was the best we’ve ever had. It raised about $9,000 more than our second-best event,” said Amy O’Brien, who works for MDA.

Brenton Bank donated the use of its facilities and United States Cellular donated free phones. Other sponsors of the event included Fareway, Brueggers’ Bagels and Subway, which donated food, Perkins, Jiffy Lube, Applebee’s and Ruttles, which donated gift certificates.

O’Brien said the lock-up will return to Ames next April for its fourth year of fund-raising for MDA. “We’ll be trying to top our $26,000 [of this year],” she said.

Other participants who raised $500 or more included Dean Hunziker, Alex Galyon, Jon Banwart, Jack Nordyke, Lori Whitehead, Carroll Nikkel, Ian Macgillivray and Terry Rasmussen.