More power to ’em

Editorial Board

Human beings are known to be attached to many different things. After all, didn’t everyone have his favorite childhood toy, a “wooby” blanket, or a favorite pair of underwear?

Now a group of young men in Friley has shown that even college students are no different. But this time it goes far beyond the favorite beer mug, favorite seat at the bar, most treasured bathroom stall, or even that pair of lucky underwear.

The men of Bennett House have a very unique attachment to the blue paint on the walls in their hallway. The university wants to paint the walls and “lighten them up.” The students don’t want the walls messed with at all.

So adamant about their walls are they that the students have begun to pass petitions to department heads stating their wall position.

Sure it is considered a weird attachment as far as society is concerned, but these young men feel they are protecting a piece of history.

They don’t want to be like the dozens of other houses that have had their walls painted a plain drab white. They like their walls the way they are and would like to keep them that way.

Are the students being difficult? Maybe.

Are they trying to ignore change? Possibly.

Is this an issue worth fighting? Hard to say.

The point is this: a group of 40 young men have banned together and found an issue that they, as a group, truly believe in. They are supporting each other in the fight for what they believe in.

College life is about new and self-rewarding experiences. So if they want to keep their walls blue and fight an entirely bright, drab, plain existence. More power to ’em.

After all, there are a lot worse things they could do with their time.