Two ISU football players arrested on alcohol charges

Emily Mcniel

Two Iowa State starting football players were arrested in separate alcohol-related incidents early Thursday morning.

Kevin Trevayne Hudson, 20, 6366 Larch Hall, was arrested by the Ames Police Department for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated at 4:30 a.m. Thursday.

He was arrested in the Larch Hall parking lot. Ames police officials said they would release additional information today.

Hudson was the starting corner back on last year’s team. He started all 11 games in 1996.

Damian Keith Gibson, 21, 407 S. Fifth St., was arrested for public intoxication by Department of Public Safety officers at 6:06 a.m. Thursday.

Jerry Stewart, assistant director of DPS, said Gibson had been wandering through Larch Hall entering residents’ rooms, apparently looking for someone. Gibson was found outside sitting in his car, which was parked outside Larch Hall.

“We received a report from Department of Residence personnel that a person was walking the hallways of Larch Hall and apparently going into other peoples’ rooms. He was escorted out by residence staff,” Stewart said.

At that point, DPS officers arrived on the scene, Stewart said. Gibson is listed as the starting tight end this spring.

According to DPS records, the officer making the arrest reported Gibson smelled strongly of alcohol and failed field sobriety tests. He would not to take a Breathalyzer test.

Public intoxication is a simple misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail or up to a $100 fine.

Gibson is a sophomore in child and family services and Hudson is a sophomore in exercise science. Both were released early Thursday morning on a citation.

Head Football Coach Dan McCarney was not available for comment.