Changing of the guard

Editorial Board

One of the most demanding jobs on campus, the office of the GSBpresident has been left in the hands of Rob Wiese.

The next year will bring unexpected challenges for Wiese, his Cabinet and the new Senate.

Some are staying to continue working toward the future while others are being brought in under the wings of experienced students.

In the mean time, we wonder what the new year will bring.

Will the Senate continue to represent students as a whole, giving less emphasis to special interests and personal agendas?

We hope so.

Will the president and vice-president hold offices and be fair and honest to all concerned?

We hope so.

Will representation be evident among students who are trying to bring an ounce of credibility to the job?

We really hope so.

It seems after all of the criticism, loopholes, promises made and occasionally broken, we deserve it.

In the same respect, not every person on campus realizes how difficult it is at times when one is a GSBrepresentative.

The job is less glory and more headaches. Asenator realizes early how impossible it is to satisfy everyone.

Both factions should listen to each other a little more, try to understand each other a little more.

Read what’s printed. Attend the GSBmeetings. Put a little more responsibility in the hands of the masses and don’t have such high expectations of the government.

We are all students. We are all learning.

Let’s use the next year to improve ourselves all around. And good luck to the new student government.