Talk about insensitive!

J.T. Nuckolls

How does the Daily manage to allow the trivialization of the atrocity covered by its lead article “Homicide mars Veishea celebration” by titling the immediately following article “Slaying aside, there were few Veishea hitches”? Talk about INSENSITIVITY! It was absolutely inconsiderate to use such words, given the matter at hand. Mr. Sellers’ family and friends have hardly begun mourning him, and already the Daily demeans his loss of life and their loss of a life-long loved one.

Thank you for the speed with which you attempted to desensitize your readers to the horrifying MURDER, which was so fairly treated in your lead article! But, most importantly, thank you for making the untimely death of the fine young man, Harold Sellers, a little more meaningless through your BOLDLY printed words! Perhaps, just perhaps, the Daily owes someone an apology for such carelessness. Again, it’s your decision!

J.T. Nuckolls

