Editorial imbalance

Marsha Harmon

I would like to ask the editors of the Daily why they seem to give more attention to the negative aspect of so much of the Iowa State student life than the positive? There has been so much attention to Kenny Pratt lately, that I am really tired of hearing it. What about all the other athletes at Iowa State?

What about the seven members of the basketball team that have 3.0 grade point averages, not to mention all the athletes who balance academics and all the rigors of athletics and do an excellent job at both?

In the recent issue of Black Issues in Higher Education, Ha-Keem Abdel-Khaliq was a recipient of the Arthur Ashe Sports Scholarship Award, which is given to athletes that maintain a GPA of at least 3.2, participate in intercollegiate sports and are active on their campuses and in their communities.

Ha-Keem was named to the first team for men’s basketball with a GPA of 3.80 in business administration. It would have been nice to see a few lines in the Daily about not just Ha-Keem’s success, but all the Iowa State athletes that did an excellent job of balancing all areas of their lives. I think it would be nice to concentrate on the positive for a change. I am sure Mr. Pratt would agree.

I wouldn’t want a mistake I made drug through the paper for weeks on end. I would think that the student- run newspaper would want to show the positive aspects of its university as much as possible.

When we have public schools come to interview students for potential teaching positions, we give them a copy of the Daily. I think it would be better to put our best foot forward and not slap them in the face with all the controversies and negative aspects of personal lives.

Marsha Harmon


College of Education