Solar car team sells cells to raise funds

Denise Smith

The Iowa State solar car team is close to its goal, but it plans to continue the Adopt-A-Cell campaign to raise more money.

Team PrISUm is asking individuals to adopt a solar cell on Iowa State’s new solar car, ExCYtor.

“We already have 500 solar panels adopted and that leaves 400 solar panels that still need to be sponsored,” said Allen Ihlefeld, a Team PrISUM member.

When individuals decide to make a $25 donation, they receive an adoption packet that includes a certificate and the location of the adopted cell on ExCYtor. The sponsor also receives the Team PrISUm newsletter, “The Sun Dial,” every three months.

“We are nearing the $10,000 mark,” Ihlefeld said.

A $25 donation will buy, connect and waterproof one cell. All donations are tax deductible and participants can adopt more than one cell.

“This campaign is our only individual fund-raiser. It is for people who are interested in our organization, but can not donate near what corporations can,” Ihlefeld said.

Eric Flakne, Team PrISUm member, said ExCYtor will be completed the week before Veishea and will be displayed in the Veishea parade.

“The top solar ray is done where most of the energy is needed for the car, but we still need to work underneath the car for energy reflected off of the road,” Flakne said.

About 30 members work on ExCYtor. Some of the members test drive the car to Boone and back, Flakne said.

The Adopt-A-Cell campaign for ExCYtor ends June 19, when three cars from Team PrISUm will race in SunRayce ’97. This race begins in Indianapolis and ends June 28 in Colorado Springs, Colo.