On stage to create change

Cori Baumer

Performers will be raising money and awareness tonight in a variety show for the libraries of the Margaret Sloss Women’s Center and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Ally Alliance (LGBTAA.)

The Women’s Center, LGBTAA and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual Student Services Office (LGBTSS) are teaming up to produce “Out Creating Change,” a variety show featuring acts performed by students, faculty and staff. The show will be held at the Maintenance Shop at 7 p.m.

Shavonta Dickerson, coordinator for the event, said the show will be “education through entertainment.” She said all of the acts will bring awareness of women’s issues or issues of homophobia and coming out.

The cost for the show is $3 for students and $5 for non-students, and tickets will be sold at the door.

All profits will go to the sponsors to purchase new materials for the libraries.

Dickerson said they had a similar fund-raiser in 1994 and raised $350.

“I’m hoping we get a really good turnout,” Dickerson said.

Both libraries contain materials such as books, magazines and videos that are considered women- and LGBT-friendly. Both libraries contain outdated materials, and members hope to update their inventories with new information.

The Women’s Center library was recently dedicated as the Wealtha Bevier Library. Dickerson said Bevier was influential in encouraging women to have careers in science.