Nothing here is free

Sean E. Nelson

I have been following the debate over whether or not the state of Iowa should continue to fund “free” Internet access for students at the three universities and other private colleges around the state.

Everyone keeps referring to the “free” Internet access enjoyed by students, how students waste time just surfing the Internet for “free.” I would like to reply to this by saying that nothing I get is free. I pay a $125 per semester Computer Science Computer Fee. I pay $7 per month to have ethernet in my room in Helser so I don’t have to fight the masses in the labs, because contrary to what the administration will tell you, we don’t have enough labs. I am also a resident of the state of Iowa and a good portion of my tax money is used for education.

I believe in providing Internet access for students. What I want to get across is that nothing here is “free” no matter what the Congress of Iowa says.

Sean E. Nelson


Computer Science