Rules are there for mountain biking

Kelsey Mullen

In response to the article about the cycling club. For everyone to understand, the club meets at Brookside Park only out of convenience, and not to ride there. The article made it seem like the members meet to ride there, which is NOT the case.

Riding mountain bikes at brookside is illegal and that rule should be respected.

As a member of the bike club, I can say that we all know this and abide by it and ride elsewhere, like Peterson’s Pits or McFarland Park. These trails are open to us mountain bikers and are by far the best in story county. Restricted trail use is a huge concern to the survival of the sport.

In order to continue to be able to ride locally we cannot break the rules.

Look at Des Moines for example, it has no trails at all to ride. The trails are all illegal. In order for this not to happen we must respect trail-use rules and in turn our trails will be respected and available.

Kelsey Mullen

